making art hop a reality

Art Hop is an arts and music festival that welcomes the community to see, experience, and be inspired.

Hosting engaging art activations, performances, and partnerships
throughout the cores of KW, experiences will be in unique spaces
between the two cities, connected by the LRT, for locals and visitors to enjoy all the creative nooks and crannies of the cities.

Our partners

Partnership Opportunities

Presenting sponsor

Take advantage of one of KW’s most engaging social networks and support a great party for an amazing cause. Attach your brand to the positive and innovative spirit this event evokes. ~ $10, 000

Experience sponsor

Art Hop experiences are offered in the most unusual but accessible places in the city. Supporting a curated experience means bringing the opportunity to create to those who might not have it. ~ $2000

Emerging artist sponsor

At KWFamous we believe in supporting emerging artists and compensating people fairly. Your support means we can put the money in the pockets to the true talent in the region and foster creativity. ~ $500

Art Hop 2022 Attendee

“These are the types of events that remind me why I live in KW, and make me want to stick around to see what our community can become!”

Laura Mae Lindo, MPP, Kitchener Centre

“KWFamous is amazing because it reminds everyday people, of who the other everyday people are, who Are doing amazing things in the community.”

Your Support means

Direct marketing to KW’s most highly engaged audience

More free fun for all

Proven Social Impact

Building perception of waterloo region

Expand Brand Recognition

year round tourism experiences

supporting home grown talent

Cool events for your friends and fam

Bring big city experiences
outside of the GTA

Our values

  • How can we repurpose underutilized spaces and add vibrancy?

  • How can we build systems collaboratively that positively impact everyone?

  • What can be brought to public space that stimulates interaction amongst passersby?

  • Meet people where they are. Using phones and simple technology as a connector interact with the physical world.

  • What can we do that’s unexpected to spark joy / nostalgia?

  • Staying long enough for communities to start to build, but in limited amounts of time to create urgency.

  • Celebrating the less celebrated businesses and places with storytelling.

  • Strategic collaborations with relevant charitable organizations at our events.

making kw famous